And before you assume that you’ll need to take on a second mortgage to afford all the superfoods you see splashed across your Instagram feed, think again. “Choosing nutrient-dense foods doesn’t mean you have to break the bank. There are numerous affordable options that are convenient, too,” she adds. That means eating nutrient-dense foods can be easy on you and on your wallet. Here’s exactly what to stock up on, according to Cassetty. “Chickpeas are incredibly versatile and can be used in sweet or savory recipes,” she says. “I like adding them to baked goods and energy bites to give these foods a healthier spin. When roasted, they’re crunchy like nuts and make a filling snack or a crunchy garnish in salads and soups. Of course, they’re also an easy way to add more protein and nutrients to a meatless meal.” “I like to start my day with a Greek yogurt breakfast bowl, but I also use Greek yogurt to top pancakes and baked potatoes. Greek yogurt is also a delicious soup garnish, and it makes excellent dips for both fruits and veggies,” she adds. In one study that looked at the dietary intakes of almost 16,000 Americans, those who drank 100 percent orange juice had lower intakes of added sugar and more nutritious diets than those who skipped OJ. “That’s unsurprising when you consider that a glass of 100 percent orange juice is a good source of vitamin C, potassium, folate, and thiamin. It also supplies magnesium and health-protecting plant compounds, such as flavonoids and carotenoids. In addition to these natural nutrients, you can buy 100 percent OJ that’s fortified with calcium and vitamin D, which will boost your intake of these much-needed nutrients.” Cassetty recommends pouring a big splash of 100 percent orange juice into seltzer water to make yourself a lightly sweet and refreshing fizzy drink. “It’s also fun to pour it into an ice cube tray and then use the frozen cubes in water or seltzer. In recipes, 100 percent orange juice is an excellent way to add sweetness without any sugar.” One study found that eating just a cup of raw or a half cup of cooked leafy greens like baby spinach per day may preserve memory and thinking skills as you age. The study tracked more than 900 older adults over 10 years and found that compared to those who didn’t regularly consume leafy greens, those who ate this amount had the memory and cognitive ability of someone 11 years younger. Nutrients like vitamin K, folate, lutein, and beta carotene, which are rich in baby spinach as well as other leafy greens, may offer neuroprotection. If you’re not currently a baby spinach eater, try adding a little bit to foods you’re already fond of, like pasta or eggs. Walnuts are great for snacking and sprinkling on salads, oatmeal, and yogurt parfaits. You can also crush walnuts to use as a healthier alternative to breadcrumbs as a crust for chicken and fish. Eggs are packed with nutrients and are healthy on their own, but they also pair well with other nutrient-dense foods, like veggies and whole grains. Of course, oats are a breakfast staple, but they’re also great in place of breadcrumbs in foods like meatballs. You can also grind oats to make whole grain flour for healthier baked goods, and they’re also a good choice for energy bites. “One study found that people who eat frozen fruits and veggies had more nutritious diets with higher amounts of fiber, potassium, calcium, and vitamin D, compared to people who didn’t stock their freezer with these foods,” she says. “I especially like frozen blueberries because blueberry season is so short, but frozen blueberries are always available for a reasonable price. Blueberries stand out for being rich in polyphenol antioxidants called anthocyanins. Studies link regular blueberry consumption to a lower risk of heart disease and diabetes, and less cognitive decline over time.” One of Cassetty’s favorite ways to enjoy frozen blueberries is to heat about half a cup in the microwave until they’re warm and the juices release. Once warmed, add about a teaspoon of chia seeds and let the mixture sit for at least 10 minutes. “This jammy blueberry mix is delicious when stirred into Greek yogurt or oatmeal or atop pancakes or whole grain toast spread with nut butter,” she says. “You can also use this mixture to make a faux crisp by adding some lower sugar granola on top.” (Yum.) Frozen edamame is an easy snack or appetizer, but you can also mix shelled edamame with many common foods. For example, adding shelled edamame to mac and cheese makes this meal healthier.