Whether you’re making a concerted effort to downsize or just want to better strategize, read on for a breakdown of categories and criteria to consider when deciding what to leave behind. You’ll lighten your load and set your future home up for success in the process. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or having difficulty navigating the clutter, try implementing the 4 P’s: Prioritize what you use most, patch up what requires only minor upkeep, profit off of items that are no longer of value to you, but could be to someone else, and purge any unnecessary items that are left over (learn how to recycle almost everything here). Of what remains, get honest about what’s actually serving you from day to day. The lipstick you had to purchase in every shade but only wear one? The window spray you bought on sale that never ceases to streak? If it’s been shoved in the back of your cabinet or you don’t plan to use it soon, lose it. (Some beauty brands will even recycle or offer rewards for your old containers.) Comforters and pillows, which can collect dirt, dust mites, and mold, should be replaced more frequently (allergy experts have suggested anywhere from six months to two years), especially if they can’t be properly washed in between.