That being said, are there foods we should attempt to avoid for health reasons? According to a roster of registered dietitians (RDs), of course there are. Here are the 15 foods nutrition experts say they avoid whenever possible, and they recommend that we do the same. If some of these are in your fridge right now, don’t worry. Balance is everything—just try not to eat them every day. As an example, Forester highlights the Impossible Burger. “Would it pass the test? No, no it would not.” The Impossible Burger ingredients, along with other plant-based “burgers,” are often highly processed and promote inflammation within cells and tissues of the human body that can lead to disease and dysfunction. “As a matter of fact, let’s go ahead and add the meal replacement, Soylent, to this list. We should be working with the body versus tricking the body, shall we?” Well-stated. RELATED: This Is the Healthiest Type Of Bread, According to a Registered Dietitian Instead, both Davis and Blakely recommend opting for water whenever possible. If you are craving something more flavorful, try tea or a sparkling water flavored naturally with fruit, like La Croix. Always start plain oats. Then, for extra flavor, top them with fresh fruit, nuts, seeds, and spices (like cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, or vanilla extract). “You can still cook regular oats in the microwave in one to two minutes if needed—and if you really want to stick with the instant oatmeal packs, choose the original unflavored version,” she says. Instead, give frozen grapes a try. “If you need something sweet to munch on during that Netflix binge, a bunch of frosty grapes is just what the nutritionist ordered.” They’re satisfying, delicious, and provide natural sweetness without any added sugars. Frozen grapes are super easy to make, too: Rinse and drain them and place on a cookie sheet. Freeze for two hours and enjoy. (P.S. They also make fantastic ice cubes). “Sugar alcohols are partially resistant to digestion and when consumed in high quantities can cause digestive upset and diarrhea,” says Michalczyk (yikes). “As someone with a sensitive stomach, I avoid all foods with sugar alcohols. RELATED: The Healthiest Frozen Meals You Can Buy, According to a Registered Dietitian