To help navigate the ins and outs of growing a small business, we reached out to Janna Meyrowitz Turner, business strategist and founder of Style House, and Trinity Mouzon Wofford, founder of wellness brand GOLDE. Keep reading for their advice on the common mistakes small business owners should avoid. Beyond carving out space for big-sky thinking, Meyrowitz emphasizes the importance of spending time on activities that are restorative. “A big mistake is not spending the time you need on yourself because you are your biggest asset,” she says. “That includes spending time getting to know yourself, getting to know your story. It also means sleeping and exercising.” Setting yourself up for future success can mean relinquishing the title of jack-of-all-trades. Recognizing when it’s time to call in help, or invest in the necessary software or staff can help every small business owner avoid future consequences. RELATED: For Small Business Owners, Hiring a Staff Member Can Save You Money Long Term—Here’s How