Why Drink Water First Thing in the Morning?

Water is an essential nutrient, which means your body can’t make enough of it on its own to meet its basic needs. You have to obtain it through external sources (i.e. hydrating food and drinks) in order to stay healthy. “About 60 percent of the human body is composed of water, varying slightly based on age, gender, and hydration levels,” says Casey Kelley, M.D., ABoIM, founder and medical director of Case Integrative Health. The body also requires water to lubricate joints, regulate body temperature, transport nutrients, and excrete waste via urine and sweating, just to name a few biological functions that rely heavily on proper hydration. However, your body naturally loses water every day through normal processes like peeing, sweating, and even exhaling, according to William W. Li, M.D., physician and author of Eat to Beat Disease: The New Science of How Your Body Can Heal Itself. Some factors—like exercise, hot weather, or certain medications—can make you lose fluids even faster. But regardless of your specific water needs, one thing is for sure: You need to drink water each and every day. When you’re sleeping, it’s not possible to keep drinking water, and your body will continue using—and losing—fluids throughout the night without receiving a refill. In that regard, drinking water when you first wake up in the morning can certainly provide some healthy perks.

Morning Hydration Is Good for You, But Not Absolutely Necessary

But here’s where things get more nuanced: Although this habit is certainly healthy, it’s not a defining factor of good hydration and health. The most important takeaway is that you’re drinking water overall. “The health aspects of staying hydrated is measured over the course of a day, rather than the time of day you drink water or the sequence of drinking water in relation to breakfast or any other meal,” Dr. Li reassures us. In other words, it’s great to drink water when you first wake up and before you eat, but there’s also no harm in waiting. If it makes you feel good and you notice the benefits personally, that’s awesome! If you want to start giving morning hydration a try, here are some common health benefits associated with it.

Top Benefits of Drinking Water After Waking Up

But ultimately, try not to overthink it. Drinking water first thing in the morning is good for you, but there’s no need to force yourself to do it if it’s not your thing. If you want or need to wait a bit, that’s fine too. “At the end of the day, the most important thing is that you’re staying hydrated,” Dr. Kelley says. Aim to drink about half of your body weight (in ounces) of water throughout the day, she says, and listen to your body. Dr. Li echoes this sentiment, noting that if you feel thirsty, drink up.