While ending up paying off student loans is sometimes unavoidable, there are things your child can do while they’re still in college to save money and plan better, so they don’t end up with a (quite as huge) mountain of student debt after graduation. Here are some of the options to consider that will help your family save money on college tuition. Brian Galvin, chief academic officer for online tutoring platform Varsity Tutors suggests treating the scholarship search like a job. “Most students who get all or most of college covered do so not with one full scholarship straight from the university, but with several smaller scholarships from corporations, nonprofit organizations, local civic groups, and other sources,” says Galvin. Talking to professors and counselors can help your college student find different scholarships that they might be a good fit for. Encourage them to continue applying for scholarships while they are attending college to help with tuition costs. Other than the cost of room and board, this will save you money on shopping for dorm essentials, campus parking fees, and expensive meal plans. If your child is set on going to a four-year college, going to school from home can save thousands of dollars while still allowing them to get the college experience through on-campus activities like joining clubs and organizations. Community colleges also offer student organizations and activities to help students build community. As a tip before your child attends college: See if they can take any AP classes and tests in high school to skip some of those general ed classes when they start college-this way, they’ll save time and money.