If the records aren’t scratched and the tapes still play, some secondhand stores will accept them. Popular albums can be sold on eBay, Etsy, or other sites. Take a critical look and sort out anything you know you’ll never read again. Donate books that are still relevant and in readable condition. Outdated materials, like that 2002 book on how to code, can be recycled. Sort through your collection to find any candles with just a small amount of wax remaining. Follow our trick to remove the wax (hint: your freezer can help) and then repurpose or recycle the glass jar. RELATED: 6 Clever Ways to Repurpose Your Empty Candle Jars First, look for any bottles that may have gone bad. In general, cream liqueurs last less than two years, and opened vermouth lasts up to a couple of months (check the expiration dates to be sure). For shelf-stable distilled liquors like vodka, rum, or tequila, evaluate what you actually drink. If there are bottles you haven’t touched in many years, consider giving them to someone who will enjoy them. RELATED: If You’re Storing Wine in the Fridge or Vodka in the Freezer, You Need to Read This Sort through your collection to find pieces you no longer wear. Make sure heirlooms you’d like to pass down are properly stored and protected, while outdated costume jewelry can be donated or sold. If you have valuable jewelry to sell, including diamond rings, check out Worthy. A team of gem experts will do all the work for you: Evaluate the piece, take beauty shots, and put the jewelry up for auction online. Best Buy will recycle many devices for free, including laptops and TVs, but they have a donation limit of three items per household per day.