“Natural remedies can be an excellent first choice when treating nausea or an upset stomach,” says Saundra Dalton-Smith, MD, internal medicine physician in Birmingham, Alabama, and author of Sacred Rest. Many of these stomach soothers are found in your pantry while others are habits you can easily adopt. Here are eight natural options worth trying. How to get the benefits: Suck ginger lozenges or use fresh ginger directly from your pantry, adding the spice to meals you’re making. You can also sip ginger tea, says Elena A. Ivanina, DO, MPH, assistant professor of medicine and assistant program director of the gastroenterology fellowship at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. She adds that this is particularly beneficial for morning sickness during pregnancy. To make it, peel and slice two inches of fresh ginger root and add it to a pot of water. Bring that to a boil for 10 minutes and then strain. Wait until it’s reached room temperature to enjoy. RELATED: 7 Anti-Inflammatory Foods to Eat Every Day for Long-Term Health and Happiness How to get the benefits: Sip it as a warm tea, and you’ll get double the benefits. “The heat will further relax painful stomach cramps,” Dr. Dalton-Smith says. How to get the benefits: Eat half a cup of rice with meals to alleviate some of your discomfort. RELATED: 5 Foods to Avoid for a Happy, Healthy Gut Microbiome How to get the benefits: Try doing a 16:8 cycle (where you fast for 16 hours and eat during an eight-hour window) for just a few days. How to get the benefits: Fortunately, you don’t need to eat a whole bushel of bananas. Just nosh your normal amount whenever you’re experiencing these symptoms. How to get the benefits: When your gut isn’t feeling so good, sit down and do 10 minutes of yoga poses, including half lord of the fishes pose, supine spinal twist, and revolved chair twist. How to get the benefits: When buying kefir or yogurt, avoid those with lots of additives and sweeteners. Instead, choose plain, unsweetened versions and consume a regular serving size, typically about a half cup, once or twice a day. RELATED: The Best Foods for Fighting Stress, According to Doctors