But as with any dangerous health epidemic, it’s easy to fall prey to overly grandiose (albeit seemingly reassuring) health advice, or worse, snake oil-like supplements that wrongfully promise you protection. That’s why we asked six health experts to debunk the most popular myths about immune-boosting dietary habits, so we can focus our eating-for-immunity efforts on ways that are actually effective instead. RELATED: 3 Delicious Ways to Eat More Immunity-Boosting Vitamin C RELATED: The 30 Healthiest Foods to Eat Every Day

Red peppers: Just one half-cup contains over 150 percent of your daily value for vitamin C. Garlic: According to Rodriquez, the sulfuric compounds in garlic have been shown to help improve immune system function. Carrots: We’re often told carrots are great for eye health (they are!), but the large amount of vitamin A they contain is also a fantastic immunity booster. “Vitamin A precursors like carotenoids (beta-carotene) are important antioxidants that strengthen immune function and can help our bodies fight off infections,” says Rodriquez. Chicken: Chicken soup is a go-to comfort food for a reason. For one, it’s hydrating—but it also contains zinc, an important mineral for helping to manage inflammation. “Poultry (like chicken) is chock-full of it. It also contains vitamin B6, which is important to the formation of new and healthy red blood cells.” Chicken broth (bone broth) contains nutrients that help with gut health and immunity, too.

Get your Zzzs: Did you know sleep boosts the immune system? When we don’t get adequate rest, we don’t just feel tired on the outside, it can cause stress and inflammation in our bodies, making it harder to ward off illness. Adults need between seven to nine hours of sleep a night to boost their immune systems, but with our busy lives today, that can be unrealistic at times. Making small efforts to reach that minimum, even if that means getting into bed an hour earlier or implementing a “no screen time” rule before bed so it’s easier slipping into sleep mode can truly be helpful. Manage stress: It’s understandable that stress levels these days are high. So it’s important to make efforts to minimize and manage stress in whatever ways we can. Meditation, getting in some movement, setting regular video calls with friends and family, or seeking help from a mental health professional are all options. Find what works for you. Break a sweat: Exercise is one of the best things we can do to maintain our health and boost immunity. Not only does it help alleviate stress (hint: see above), studies have shown that people who exercise regularly are less likely to catch colds than those who don’t. Go for brisk walks if you’re able or find some at-home workouts that get your heart pumping to give your immune system a boost. Curtail alcohol and smoking: This may seem like an obvious health suggestion, but many don’t know that cigarettes and alcohol actually hinder immune system function. Studies have found that cigarette smoke can interact with viruses, such as the flu, causing lung damage and inflammation, worsening flu symptoms for smokers. Alcohol was also found in studies to weaken the body’s response against the flu. If cutting them out completely is unrealistic, set limits for yourself and work to gradually decrease your intake.

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