“Joint health affects almost everything we do,” says Erin Nance, MD, orthopedic surgeon and owner of Nance MD Hand Surgery. Even the most basic parts of human life, such as walking, making food, and brushing teeth, are possible thanks to our joints, says Dr. Nance, so everyone, young and old, should consider keeping their joints oiled up and healthy. Arthritis is a huge (and common) cause of joint pain. The term “arthritis” literally means joint inflammation, according to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, and it affects about one in four U.S. adults (although children can also get arthritis). Most commonly, it impacts the hands, hips, knees, and spine, which limits mobility and can really affect one’s quality of life. Though diet alone can’t cure arthritis, eating certain foods and nutrients regularly can help support joint health and keep inflammation at bay.

The Basics of Eating for Joint Health

What does a joint-friendly diet look like? What you’re aiming for is mainly an anti-inflammatory diet rich in certain ingredients, but limited in others. Focus on eating more whole, unprocessed foods (lots of plants!) and eating fewer sweets, processed foods, and certain proteins, like red meat. If this sounds familiar, this nutrition advice is also central to well-regarded eating plans like the Mediterranean diet and DASH diet, both of which have been shown to help reduce inflammation. “There’s no single food, nutrient, or supplement that can immediately treat pain,” says Jaclyn London, MS, RD, CDN, “but shifting toward a Mediterranean-inspired eating plan—[high in] vegetables, fruits, whole grains, seafood, pulses, nuts, seeds, and plant-derived oils—may be helpful in reducing the risk of chronic inflammation over time.” Certain nutrients deserve a special call-out as key players in reducing inflammation that can aggravate joints:

Omega-3 fatty acids Calcium Vitamin D Antioxidants, like vitamin C

Here are some of the best foods to eat to get these joint-healthy nutrients, according to doctors and dietitians.

Best Foods for Joint Health

This all-star spice isn’t just for flavoring food. You can blend it into a vibrant smoothie, or Volpe recommends drinking turmeric in a concoction called golden milk—a warm, soothing beverage made from turmeric, ginger, black pepper, and milk or a milk substitute. The addition of black pepper is what makes the curcumin in turmeric more bioavailable (readily absorbed by your body). If golden milk is too savory or spicy for you, Volpe says to add a little bit of natural sweetener like a raw honey to help it go down easier. Walnuts are an especially potent source of omega-3 fatty acids. In fact, London adds that walnuts “contain among the highest levels of alpha-linolenic acids (ALA, a.k.a. plant-based omega-3s) and a higher profile of polyunsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants.” Walnuts are also a good source of fiber and antioxidants. The American Heart Association recommends making room in your diet for nuts, but in moderation. One serving size of nuts is a small handful or 1.5 ounces. Or, you can swap whole nuts for 2 tablespoons of nut butter (read the label to be mindful of added sugars). When shopping for nuts, your healthiest bet is to choose unsalted varieties to keep sodium intake under control. There’s a lot of evidence that links omega-3 fatty acids with heart health, but research also suggests they’re beneficial for reducing inflammation, soothing joint pain, and supporting individuals with various types of arthritis. They may help limit inflammatory responses, having a beneficial effect on swollen and tender joints in people with rheumatoid arthritis, according to 2020 research. Aim to eat a 3-ounce serving of cooked fish, like salmon, at least twice per week, as recommended by the American Heart Association. “In a double-blind study of patients with mild knee arthritis, those that drank two 8-ounce bottles of tart cherry juice every day for six weeks were shown to have greater symptom relief than those who took a placebo,” Dr. Nance says. “Markers of inflammation were also decreased in the tart cherry juice group.” Broccoli is a good source of antioxidants and fiber, but it’s also a source of sulforaphane, says Dr. Valvano. This sulfur-rich compound is found in cruciferous veggies like broccoli and has antioxidant activities that may help with arthritis symptoms. According to 2021 research, sulforaphane possesses anti-arthritis effects. Most of the existing research on sulforaphane involves animal studies, so more research is needed, but what we do know is promising—and it never hurts to eat more greens. They’re also a great source of magnesium, which has been shown to help reduce inflammation. Magnesium supplementation significantly reduces different human inflammatory markers, according to a 2022 meta-analysis, but magnesium supplements aren’t the only way up your intake. Pulses like lima beans, black beans, red lentils, and chickpeas are all strong sources of anti-inflammatory magnesium.