While there still needs to be a lot more research done to study the effects of CBD on the brain and body, preliminary studies do offer a bit of hope. According to Emmy Graber, MD, a Boston-based dermatologist and president of The Dermatology Institute of Boston, studies have found a link between CBD and treating specific skin conditions. “Both topical and oral CBD has shown some promise for treating skin conditions such as acne, dermatitis, itching, and psoriasis,” she says. “CBD has been shown in some studies to reduce oil (aka sebum) production and has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects. However, there is just preliminary evidence to suggest that CBD is helpful for these things—more studies are needed before conclusive detailed recommendations can be given.” According to Dr. Graber, we don’t know yet if oral or topical modalities of CBD are more helpful for certain conditions. Consumers should know that “there could be dangers to both—even though CBD is considered by many to be ’natural,’ there could still be side effects or unwanted skin reactions to CBD, so the user should proceed with caution,” she says. Not only does CBD potentially help multiple skin issues, but according to Alyssa Dweck, MD, a Westchester County-based OBGYN, it might also help in the bedroom, too. “Many women rely on CBD products for vaginal use, and there is reasonable information to suggest CBD can provide anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, and relaxing benefits when used for menstrual cramps, vaginal dryness, pain during intercourse and pelvic pain,” says Dr. Dweck. “I am aware of multiple lubricants and inserts for sexual use to provide comfort and enhance pleasure that contain CBD.” Diminishing pain from dryness and/or the anticipation of pain and tight vaginal muscles seems to be a benefit of CBD-containing vaginal products, according to Dr. Dweck. “This information is supported by patient anecdotal reports in my practice, as well as with online reports, but of course, [CBD is] not an FDA-approved medication.” Despite the fact that many doctors believe more research must be done around the effects of CBD, both Dr. Dweck and Dr. Graber have seen the magical powers that CBD offers among many of their patients. Here, you’ll find 10 fun, unexpected CBD products—but of course, we suggest always consulting with your healthcare professional before use.