What Is Moringa?

Known as the “Miracle Tree,” Moringa oleifera, a highly cultivable tree native to India, has been used as a sustainable resource for malnutrition around the world due to its bountiful nutrient composition. The powder is made by grinding the harvested and dried leaves of the moringa tree. Though the powder has recently entered the limelight, it has been used for centuries due to its medicinal properties and health benefits in many parts of Asia and Africa.

Moringa Is Great for a Plant-Based Diet

Moringa has high nutritional value. Its edible leaves are rich with proteins, iron, calcium, nine essential amino acids, and vitamins A, B, and C. In fact, according to the journal Food Science and Human Wellness, moringa provides “seven times more vitamin C than oranges, 10 times more vitamin A than carrots, 17 times more calcium than milk, nine times more protein than yogurt, 15 times more potassium than bananas, and 25 times more iron than spinach.” Pretty solid.

Moringa Contains Properties to Help Fight Against Cancer

A 2015 study showed that extracts of moringa leaves and bark showed remarkable anti-cancer properties that could possibly inhibit the growth of cancer cells. The research demonstrated that moringa extracts acted as an anticancer agent that slowed cell motility and colony formation in colon and breast cancer cells.

Moringa Can Help Reduce Chronic Inflammation

Moringa powder may be the new go-to holistic solution to lower inflammation in the body. This green contains polyphenols and isothiocyanates that suppress inflammatory enzymes and proteins in the body that can lead to diseases like cancer or rheumatoid arthritis.

Moringa Contains No Caffeine

Unlike matcha, which contains caffeine, moringa contains no caffeine. When you’re simply looking to get the nutrients of a hearty superfood minus the jitters, this is the solution for you. That way you can reap the benefits of consuming this healthy green, any time of day.

How to Best Consume Moringa

Though moringa is praised for its outstanding health benefits, some may find its flavor slightly bitter. The good news is that you can easily mellow any overly bitter notes by adding moringa powder to smoothies, juices, teas, or soups.

So Who Wins the Battle of the Greens: Matcha vs. Moringa?

Though moringa has proven to be an excellent source for vital nutrients, it does not contain caffeine, has a distinct flavor, and does not have the amino acid L-theanine, said to improve cognitive function and productivity, like matcha. Though matcha is also high in antioxidants and low in calories, moringa boasts higher levels of vitamins A and C. Thus, there’s no need to let go of your favorite matcha powder just yet—especially when you can double the benefits and combine the two. Celestial Seasonings Tea-Well Matcha Green Tea contains both superfoods, so that’s a great place to start.