The four-leaf clover (officially known as Oxalis deppei) is a small plant with four distinct leaves. It’s a rare variation of the common three-leaf clover, and because your chances of finding one with four leaves is about 1 in 10,000, they’re considered lucky. Four-leaf clovers have been around for ages, and their supposed lucky powers are talked about in centuries-old legends. In the early days of Ireland, Celtic priests known as Druids carried three-leaf clovers, or shamrocks, in the belief that with their help, they could see evil spirits approaching and be able to escape. Four-leaf clovers, then, were Celtic charms, offering magical protection and warding off bad luck. Children in the Middle Ages believed they might be able to see fairies if they carried a four-leaf clover.

The Difference Between Four-Leaf Clovers and Shamrocks

Both shamrocks and four-leaf clovers are associated with St. Patrick’s Day, and they’re commonly confused as the same thing. A shamrock is a clover with three leaves, but the four-leaf clover is considered lucky due to its rarity. Shamrocks are still an important part of the holiday, and there’s a deep religious significance that explains why we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with shamrocks. Now that you know the difference, catch up on these fun facts about four-leaf clovers before you start making a St. Patrick’s Day dessert.

Fast Facts About Four-Leaf Clovers

There are approximately 10,000 three-leaf clovers for every “lucky” four-leaf clover.There are no clover plants that naturally produce four leaves, which is why four-leaf clovers are so rare.The leaves of four-leaf clovers are said to stand for faith, hope, love, and luck.It’s often said that Ireland is home to more four-leaf clovers than any other place, giving meaning to the phrase “the luck of the Irish.“If you’re lucky enough to find a four-leaf clover, look for more! If a clover plant produces a four-leaf clover, it’s more likely to produce another one than plants that only produce shamrocks.The fourth leaf can be smaller, or a different shade of green, than the other three.If you’re the superstitious type, give your four-leaf clover to someone else. It’s said that this will double your good luck.