Microwaving Sweet Potatoes

Is there a difference between the terms “baking,” “cooking,” or “steaming” sweet potatoes in the microwave? No. These are all different ways of describing this simple microwave process.

How Long to Cook Sweet Potatoes in the Microwave

Because sweet potatoes vary so much in size and weight, there’s no one-size-fits-all time limit. In general, it takes five minutes to cook one sweet potato in the microwave, and add two minutes in the microwave for each additional potato.

How to Microwave Sweet Potatoes

Don’t bother covering your potato in plastic wrap or with a towel because the sweet potato comes in its own jacket—its skin! Instructions

Bonus Sweet Potato Recipes

Microwaving sweet potatoes doesn’t need to stop with the simple potato in its jacket! Enjoy these microwave-friendly sweet potato side dishes in under 10 minutes.

1 or more sweet potatoesUnsalted butterSalt


1 or more sweet potatoes Salt Freshly ground black pepper
