How to Remove Stains from Clothes

Act fast! Deal with stains when they happen. The longer you wait, the more the stain will set into the fibers. Treat the stained spot using the specific solutions below, then wash the item as instructed on the care label. Start with the mildest stain solution first, then work your way up to harsher or more involved methods. Never dry the garment until the stain is fully removed, or else the heat could set the stain.

Assemble a Stain-Fighting Kit

Keep these essential ingredients in your cleaning cabinet, so you’ll always be ready for a red wine spill on the carpet or a sauce splatter on the tablecloth. Safety note: just as when cleaning anything, there are some dangerous chemical combos you should avoid when mixing up stain fighters. Never combine bleach and ammonia, as it can create a toxic gas.

Dish soap Hydrogen peroxide White vinegar Table saltDetergentCornstarch Color-safe bleachRubbing alcohol Ammonia Stain removal spray

Graphic designed by Katie Field Have a spill? Find the best solutions for stubborn stains on rugs and the carpet here.