This guide details how to properly wrap and store different varieties of cheese. From this moment on, give your precious cheese the care it deserves, whether you’re eating Gouda, lactose-free cheese, or the healthiest cheese in your refrigerator.

Storage Tips

A resealable plastic bag will do the job, but it’s not the ideal storage solution for your cheese. The best way to wrap leftovers depends on the particular type; see the list of kinds of cheeses below for specifics. Store all types of cheese in the vegetable crisper of the refrigerator, where the temperature is cold and stable. Use a fresh piece of plastic wrap or wax paper to rewrap cheese after each use. The length of time you can keep cheese differs by variety; in general, the harder the cheese, the longer it will last.

How to Store Cheese (by Variety)

Hard, aged cheeses (Parmigiano-Reggiano, aged Gouda): First wrap in wax or parchment paper, then add a layer of plastic wrap. Blue cheeses (Gorgonzola, Roquefort): Wrap in plastic wrap. Semi-hard and hard cheeses (Cheddar, Swiss, Gruyere): Wrap in plastic wrap. Soft, semi-soft, and stinky cheeses (goat, Camembert, Brie, Limburger): Place in a resealable plastic container. Fresh cheeses in water (mozzarella or Feta): Leave the cheese in the original packaging, changing the water every couple of days.