So where does it go so wrong, and how can you avoid it? We asked the pros how to negotiate with your hairdresser and avoid future meltdown moments at the salon. That said, there are certain adjectives to avoid, especially when you get into tricky territory like bangs. Instead of using vague words like “shorter” and “longer” (your version of shorter may be entirely different from your hairdresser’s), be more descriptive. For example, say how many inches you’d like off, or if you want a hard or soft cut. If you want layers, don’t just say you want short layers or long layers—let your hairstylist know you’d like short layers in one place and longer layers in another. Another tip? Schedule your appointment for early in the day, says Sarah Potempa, celebrity hairstylist and founder of Beachwaver. Your stylist is less likely to be running behind and more likely to have time to dive into details with you. Be honest but tactful—try leading with something like, “I’m sorry if I didn’t make myself clear,” or “I wanted something more like this—let me explain it better.” You and your stylist need to be on the same wavelength, and if that offends them, maybe they’re not the right stylist for you. “If you don’t have the stomach to let the stylist know when he’s done cutting, call them after you’re home,” suggests Chris McMillan, stylist and owner of Chris McMillan, a salon in Beverly Hills, California. “The stylist will do anything to fix it, because at the end of the day, they want you to be happy and don’t want to lose clients. They should fix it for free within a week.” “Before booking an appointment, I suggest going to the salon to sit and watch the hairdressers from the waiting area. You can browse their products while doing research (think secret shopper status), watch the hairdressers as they work, and really get a feel for who listens to their clients by seeing them work in real-time.” You can also call ahead and ask if a stylist is available for a consultation; that way, you can confirm your compatibility before you rush into a commitment.