My son has this thing against fruit. He just won’t eat it. In fact, he screams when we even put anything on his plate. We keep trying but so far nothing has really worked. Until this week. My toddler loves fruit snacks (what toddler doesn’t) so my husband recommended making our own homemade fruit snacks to see if he would eat those. He did. Homemade fruit snacks are surprisingly easy to make and way better for you than their store-bought counterparts. These mandarin orange fruit snacks only use three ingredients and can be put together in just a few minutes. Make an entire batch to chill all at once and you’ve got yourself fruit snacks for days.

For these fruit snacks, I used DOLE Jarred Mandarin Oranges. While you could technically use another type of fresh fruit in this recipe, the DOLE jarred fruits make it so simple because there’s no need for washing, peeling, or cutting. Just open the jar and cook away.

In addition the DOLE Jarred Mandarin Oranges, you’ll also need some gelatin and honey, preferably raw all-natural honey. That’s it! Making these fruit snacks seriously couldn’t be easier. Before you get started, I recommend quickly blending your mandarin oranges together with the liquid just to make the fruit snacks a little smoother. If you don’t, they’ll still work; you’ll just end up with some larger chunks. Mix your mandarin oranges and gelatin and heat on the stove, add the honey, and pour into a pan or molds to chill. I used both to see if feeding my son bug fruit snacks would be more successful than the squares. He ate both but the bugs were way cuter.

Mandarin Orange Homemade Fruit Snacks - 65Mandarin Orange Homemade Fruit Snacks - 13Mandarin Orange Homemade Fruit Snacks - 57Mandarin Orange Homemade Fruit Snacks - 78Mandarin Orange Homemade Fruit Snacks - 21Mandarin Orange Homemade Fruit Snacks - 64Mandarin Orange Homemade Fruit Snacks - 68Mandarin Orange Homemade Fruit Snacks - 43Mandarin Orange Homemade Fruit Snacks - 19Mandarin Orange Homemade Fruit Snacks - 25Mandarin Orange Homemade Fruit Snacks - 66Mandarin Orange Homemade Fruit Snacks - 71