With that in mind, setting aside just a little time to gather the necessary supplies for a bug-out bag or go-bag is undoubtedly a smart move. Having most emergency kit essentials set aside is a good idea; perishable items or items that need to be used up until disaster strikes, such as medications, can be collected at the last minute. Batteries and bulbs should be checked with relatively frequency; if you’re concerned about a flashlight or radio giving out during a potential disaster, keeping spare batteries and other supplies in the emergency kit is a smart solution. As with an emergency fund, the goal of an emergency kit is that it’s never used. If and when it’s needed, though, you and your family can rest easy knowing you’re as prepared as possible. Just a small stockpile of emergency supplies can help you outlast a short disaster, such as a power outage, earthquake, or tornado warning. In the case of potentially larger emergencies, such as a hurricane, an emergency kit can provide extra comfort until aid (if it’s needed) arrives. In any situation, having a prepared bug-out bag is better than getting caught off-guard. You can expect there to be a run on flashlights right before a major storm is expected, and getting yours (plus other supplies) ahead of time can save you money, time, and stress. Gather these emergency preparedness kit essentials now, and you can rest just a tiny bit easier when disaster strikes.