Kwanzaa brings together traditions from all the major religions by focusing on meaningful gift-giving and communal feasts. The celebrations take place from December 26 to January 1 every year. Each of Kwanzaa’s seven days honors a different principle: Umoja (unity), Kujichagulia (self-determination), Ujima (collective work and responsibility), Ujamaa (cooperative economics), Nia (purpose), Kuumba (creativity), and Imani (faith). These principles are thought to have been crucial in the development of strong, productive African families across different countries. As such, many of the festivals’ biggest takeaways are universal prosperity lessons that anyone from any background can appreciate. Timed at the very end of the year, Kwanzaa asks us to look back on how we’ve managed or struggled with money, and it offers five valuable lessons to channel positive energy toward lucrative outcomes in the future. Kwanzaa leaders dedicate time to concepts that are usually glossed over, especially topics such as money. Elders reveal the ways that they managed money and resources during difficult times. During the long feasts is often when people ask questions like, “Is all debt bad?” and “What is a 401k anyway?” and “What in the world is an NFT?” The intergenerational nature of Kwanzaa offers the opportunity to explain in detail money matters that people might have been ashamed to admit they didn’t know all year long. Not only is this philanthropic, but the belief is that helping others helps the giver. African cultures are often collectivist; in other words, the value and practice of togetherness ensure that the family and the group protect each individual. To reciprocate, each person is meant to contribute their wealth to others to ensure that this harmonious life cycle of giving and receiving continues for everyone. Not only does Kwanzaa teach that riches have no value if you have no one to share them with, but it also reiterates the words of Anne Frank: “No one has ever become poor by giving.” Over these days of bonding, the best cook in the family may be told that they should finally open that food truck they’ve been dreaming about. Extended family members may finally sit down to talk about what they plan to do with family property or how they want to pool their money for a youngster’s college fund. Ujamaa (cooperative economics) promotes the notion of crowdsourcing—not just from strangers, but from relatives and family members who are truly invested in your dreams. Dinners can feel like pitch competitions, and sometimes creative financing works out for a new entrepreneur. Whereas most people would bust their budget trying to give small gifts to everyone they come across over seven straight days of celebration, Kwanzaa’s open invitations and communal practices make this virtually impossible. The principle of Nia (purpose) knocks out the sense of obligation to give gifts as a way to express love, commitment, and affinity. Kwanzaa promotes purposeful spending and never frivolously splurging beyond one’s means, especially not to impress anyone or to buy their affections. Many Kwanzaa conversations center on lowering consumer debt and focusing instead on meaningful investments. Kwanzaa intentionally washes away the self-deprecating words and actions that keep so many of us stagnant. Instead, this celebration teaches the lesson that we can only win big when we bet on ourselves. Faith is coupled with personal responsibility, as Kwanzaa teaches us that no one can transform your personal life or your finances but you.